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A potential client wants to expand into your country… and you are happy to oblige of course. But what kind of process is there for the client?

This is the CORE of MyMedia WorldWide. We take away the pain of finding the local partners for PR and marketing from each country. The end customer uses our platform to give out assignments and our partner agencies get automatically noted on new assignments for them. No need to do sales work, answer pitches, send out updated proposals… just gather materials and start the work.

When expanding to multiple countries the client becomes quickly overwhelmed with different operating models and swamped in reports of various formats.
The client has to instruct each agency separately and the information between agencies doesn’t move smoothly — especially if the agencies do not know each other well.

We offer the end customers and agencies predefined service concepts – the same service by different agencies globally. This is a huge benefit for the client in terms of time savings. Also, the agencies save time – no need to do sales work. Unified reporting of results also saves time from the agency: no more different reporting requirements from each client! We claim that we save 30-50 % of agency work hours in our operating model – meaning affordable prices for the end customer and profitable work for the agency.

See how easy it is:

How to get involved? Simple: contact us and we help you on-board!

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